Welcome to Spiritual Life.
Spiritual Life serves as a destination for all things spiritual and religious at the University of Chicago. We address the complexities of religious encounter in the twenty-first century and provide a space for members of the University community to ask big and small questions about meaning and purpose.
We describe ourselves as creative, artistic, passionate, connected, integrative, wholistic, spiritual, fertile, resourceful, welcoming, vibrant, diverse, celebratory!
Whatever your tradition or outlook upon spirituality and religion, all are welcome.
Spiritual Life offers places, metaphorical and literal, to connect, understand, ask, and explore. We encourage integrative spiritual practice, including programs that cross traditional religious boundaries, as well as supporting members of particular traditions. We offer campus-wide programs like Spirit Week, celebrating spiritual diversity on campus. And we convene the Spiritual Life Council, a group of students that gathers weekly for interfaith dialogue, leadership development, event planning, and… fun (yes, we said it).
We host weekly Jumu’ah prayers. You can talk to us if you need to find a Catholic mass or the meditation room in Ida Noyes, or if you’re just wondering where you can borrow a copy of the Bhagavad Gita or the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. And if you want to participate in daily meditation or free yoga classes, we offer those too, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner.
Where the coffee (or hot chocolate) happens!
The Spiritual Life space (Ida Noyes 034) is a place to reflect or connect with friends. Drop by the welcome room to chat with Spiritual Life staff or grab a book from the spirit library. Make a hot drink in the kitchen and warm your lunch in the microwave on a cold day. Enjoy the peace and quiet of the meditation room, a technology-free space that you can access with your ID anytime Ida Noyes is open (talk to any staff member to program your ID).